Friday 2 June 2017

Ann Coulter: Scarborough Thinks ‘Really Stupid’ Trump Will Fall for ‘President Bannon’ Taunt

Ann Coulter: Scarborough Thinks ‘Really Stupid’ Trump Will Fall for ‘President Bannon’ Taunt


Ann Coulter, one of President Donald Trump’s biggest boosters, blasted MSNBC host Joe Scarborough on Friday for thinking that Trump is so stupid that he would fall for the left’s and the media’s “President Bannon” taunt.

“Scarborough must think @realDonaldTrump is really stupid to fall for this ‘President Bannon’ taunt,” Coulter tweeted.

On Friday morning, Scarborough maniacally repeated “President Bannon” at least seven times on his show, hoping Trump was so “stupid” and insecure that he would not see through Scarborough’s blatant stunt to marginalize chief strategist Stephen Bannon:

President Bannon is on the wrong side of the majority. President Bannon may be right when President Bannon is looking at President Bannon’s primary base, but when President Bannon is looking at the overall scope of American voters … President Bannon’s not even reading the polls right for today. … Again, a small subset of the population that President Bannon’s obsessed with

After Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris climate accord on Thursday, the media and the left predictably went apoplectic. And like they have done whenever Trump has tried to keep his campaign promises, the media and left-wing activists tried to vilify “President Steve Bannon.”

The Sierra Club sent out what now seems like a bat signal to the left, tweeting “Congratulations, President Bannon.” The media and the left soon followed. And Scarborough then took it to another level on Friday.

As Breitbart Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak wrote, the “‘President Bannon’ meme is one that gained traction on the left, several weeks ago, in what seemed to be a deliberate effort to tweak President Trump, and provoke him to sideline Bannon.”

After Time ran its “The Great Manipulator” cover and Saturday Night Live depicted Bannon as the White House puppet master, numerous mainstream media outlets implied that Trump had lessened Bannon’s influence in the White House because Trump did not like how Bannon was being portrayed in the press. Mainstream media reporters even declared that the “globalists” and “Democrats” and “New Yorkers” like Gary Cohn, Trump’s top economic adviser, and Dina Powell, Trump’s deputy national security adviser, were ascending in Trump’s White House.

Scarborough, like Cohn and Powell, want to be adored by their fellow global elites in the so-called “Party of Davos.” And they believe they will only get more stature among the card-carrying members of the “Party of Davos” if they persuade Trump to adopt globalist measures. Trump, though, got elected to fight the globalists. Working-class voters, particularly those in the Rust Belt, elected Trump because he promised to combat the bipartisan elite in Washington whose first instincts always seem to be to sell out Trump’s working-class voters (who, by the way, lionize and respect Trump more than the global elites ever will) in favor of America-last policies the global elite and the “smart-sounding” intelligentsia prefer.

As Coulter knows, those in Washington’s permanent political class and their globalist allies would not mind saying “Adios, America!” and pass a massive bipartisan “comprehensive” amnesty bill, for instance.

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