Thursday 8 June 2017

COVFEFE LIVEWIRE: Comey Crazy Sweeps Washington… Breitbart Live From Union Pub

COVFEFE LIVEWIRE: Comey Crazy Sweeps Washington… Breitbart Live From Union Pub


COVFEFE from Union Pub on Capitol Hill!

Former FBI Director James Comey, who was fired by President Donald J. Trump, will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday morning–and Washington, D.C., elites are gathered at their favorite watering holes throughout the city to watch the giant nothing-burger testimony.

Breitbart News will be covering the political class celebration from here, with this livewire including updates on Comey’s testimony and the reaction of the crowd of Washington elites.

Union Pub, a landmark Washington, D.C., bar across the street from the Heritage Foundation on Capitol Hill, is offering all patrons who come here to watch the testimony free drinks whenever President Trump Tweets about the Comey hearing throughout its duration until 4 p.m.

UPDATE 11:11 A.M. Donald Trump, Jr., joins the fray on Twitter, defending his father–the president–from Comey’s ambiguous claims.

Trump, Jr., says there is no way Comey would have misunderstood the president.

He also notes that Comey has testified that he could be “wrong.”

Donald Trump, Jr.’s Tweets come as many here at Union Pub–who will get free drinks if the president himself Tweets about Comey–are disappointed that President Trump himself is not Tweeting. This is probably the first time ever that people in Washington, D.C.–the Swamp–are upset that President Donald Trump is NOT Tweeting.

UPDATE 11:10 A.M. Video of Comey wishing there are tapes of his conversations with Trump:

UPDATE 11:07 A.M. Breitbart’s Joel Pollak has an excellent piece up already on how Comey’s opening statement to the Committee this morning is all about him.

“Former FBI director James Comey opened his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday by complaining about ‘shifting explanations’ for why he had been fired, and by attacking the Trump administration,” Pollak writes. “Comey said that he had originally intended to accept his firing quietly, but then found that the administration’s statements about the matter ‘confused me and increasingly concerned me.’ He said that President Donald Trump had assured him that he was doing a good job, and that he had assured the president in return that he intended to stay.”

Read the whole thing.

Also, it’s worth noting that even the Wall Street Journal–not some rightwing blog by any stretch–even says that Comey’s written opening statement proves that President Trump should have fired him. Which is exactly what President Trump did. Read the Journal’s editorial board piece here.

UPDATE 11: 00 A.M. The GOP war room is up and running. Our friends over at the Republican National Committee are cutting videos that shows Comey’s testimony actually fully vindicates President Trump, despite whatever the opposition party media and congressional Democrats say:

Politico has an RNC talking points document circulated this morning. Read the whole thing here.

Politico also has a story on how the RNC is taking the lead on pushing back on the highly discredited Comey’s testimony.

“The RNC’s role is to support and defend the president and this White House and this week is no different,” Ryan Mahoney, the RNC communications director, told Politico. “And we prepare for everything, and we’re prepared for the hearing this week.”

Read the whole piece here.

UPDATE 10:59 A.M. Despite the fact there have been a number of inaccurate pieces throughout the establishment media, the establishment media is celebrating itself.

Also, fun: Sen. Feinstein wearing a seersucker:

UPDATE 10:57 A.M. Feinstein tells Comey he’s “big” and “strong,” then asks him if he was overwhelmed by the Oval Office and wonders why he did not tell the president he was wrong when he brought this subject up with him. He questions whether he would have handled himself the same way if given a second chance.

“I hope there are tapes,” Comey also said of his meetings with Trump, noting he has seen the president’s Tweet about the possibility of tapes.

UPDATE 10:55 A.M. Comey, under questioning from Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), says his relationship with Trump got off to a rocky start. He also embarrasses her when she asks him if the reason he was fired had anything to do with the Russia investigation, and he said “yes, because the President said so.” Here in Union Pub, the over-capacity crowd broke out into laughter.

UPDATE 10:53 A.M. Comey just killed the case against Trump over “obstruction of justice” that the media is building, as fast as they began building it. He said Trump saying he hopes Comey lets the investigation of Flynn go was not an order to drop the investigation.

UPDATE 10:51 A.M. The media is highlighting two separate things early on in the Comey bonanza: The fired former FBI director’s use of the word “lie” twice, and him being concerned about meetings with President Trump. Establishment media going to do their thing.

UPDATE 10:48 A.M. Since Comey has nothing, and the whole case is falling apart, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s ex-spokesman Brian Fallon is sadly offering up that special counsel Robert Mueller is now investigating Trump.

But, sadly, if they have no evidence Trump colluded with the Russians–probably because it is likely no evidence even exists–then the special prosecutor will find the same thing that Comey found: NOTHING. But, nevertheless Hillary Clinton’s acolytes persisted:

UPDATE 10:40 A.M. Comey testified that he was “confused” about being fired by President Trump. And he said Trump spread “lies” about the FBI.

UPDATE 10:38 A.M. Since Comey believes that no votes were altered in the 2016 presidential election–he testified he is “confident” none were–then what is the point of this hearing?

UPDATE 10:32 A.M. Despite the fact that Comey has nothing, but instead actually ended up in his written opening statement vindicating President Trump, the media elites in Washington are celebrating Comey’s “poker face”–as if it means something substantive.

UPDATE 10:30 A.M. As Comey comes under questions from Burr, our very own Joel Pollak notes that Comey’s altered opening statement was a deeply personal statement furthering the giant nothingburger he put out last night through the committee. Comey failing again so far, just like he did when he was working on the Hillary Clinton email scandal last year.

UPDATE 10:26 A.M. Washington, D.C., elites are having a ball for themselves.

Our intern Alex Clark with these photos:

But Union Pub is hardly the only place off the hook with the parties:

There are many more. We’ll get updates up soon.

UPDATE 10:20 A.M. Audible gasps of disappointment were heard throughout Union Pub as Comey said he will not re-read his opening statement published online last night, a statement that completely vindicated President Trump.

Comey, however, admits that the President can fire him whenever he wants. He also says that he heard Donald Trump thought he was doing a “great job.”

But here in Union Pub, cheers erupted as a champagne bottle was popped open for more Washington, D.C., mimosas.

UPDATE 10:17 A.M. As Warner wraps his righteous opening statement, in which he stated “this is not a witch hunt” and “this is not fake news,” the STANDING ROOM ONLY crowd at Union Pub laughs as Comey is forced by the chairman to stand and be sworn in under oath for his testimony.

UPDATE 10:15 A.M. This real life parody is getting more and more out of control. Fired ex-U.S. Attorney from the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara is joining Comey in the hearing room.

Meanwhile, our COVFEFE LIVEWIRE has earned the attention of New York Times media correspondent Michael Grynbaum.

UPDATE 10:12 A.M. Mark Warner, the leading Democrat on the Senate committee, opens up with his opening statement saying that this hearing has drawn focus from a lot of Washington, D.C., and that ordinary Americans really don’t care and aren’t paying attention. Maybe Congress could focus on real policy issues when this charade is over, but that would probably be asking too much of our elected representatives.

UPDATE 10:11 A.M. Fox News is reporting that President Trump is expected to issue a statement disputing parts of Comey’s testimony.

UPDATE 10:10 A.M. Burr to Comey: “The American people need to hear your side of the story.”

UPDATE 10:04 A.M. As Chairman Richard Burr, a North Carolina Republican, opens the hearing, a hush comes over the crowd inside Union Pub. COVFEFE everyone! Here we go.

UPDATE 10:03 A.M. James Comey has walked into the room where is going to testify in the Senate Intelligence Committee. Folks at Union Pub don’t really seem to care much as they are engaged in deep conversation, very loudly, so loud one cannot hear the television.

UPDATE 10:02 A.M. Comey’s written testimony published last night basically proved he had nothing on Trump, and this whole case is going nowhere. Even anti-Trump Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) admits that, saying none of this makes any sense on TV this morning.

UPDATE 10:00 A.M. Union Pub is up and running as the Comey hearing is about to begin.

All the TV’s in the bar are carrying Fox News live.

The place is packed.

Yes, our White House correspondent Charlie Spiering is correct! Breitbart News will be running this COMEY CRAZY COVFEFE LIVEWIRE live throughout the hearing and festivities all day from Union Pub! Our Pentagon Correspondent Kristina Wong is here with us, as well as our intern Alex Clark. More Breitbart staff are expected to join throughout the day!

UPDATE: 9:52 A.M. Owen, a federal government employee who did not want us to publish his last name but is here partying as Comey is set to testify, said about the crowd size here “it’s about what you’d expect–people here [in Washington] are easily more engaged than everyone else in the country. It’s a symbol of a healthy, vibrant democracy.” Bloody Mary’s and Mimosos and beers by the pint are being poured by the hundreds already and Comey has not yet taken the stand.

UPDATE 9:50 A.M. Breitbart’s summer intern Alex Clark joins us here and spoke with Union Pub’s general manager Ashley Saunders who told us “I’m way too busy–I’m swamped” when he asked if she could do a brief interview before the hearing begins. Union Pub is packed to the brim with Washingtonians celebrating Comey’s testimony.

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