Friday 2 June 2017

French Cyber Defense Chief: No Sign of Russian Hacking in Macron Election Campaign #MacronGate (VIDEO)

French Cyber Defense Chief: No Sign of Russian Hacking in Macron Election Campaign #MacronGate (VIDEO)

French investigators say there is no sign of a Russian hacking group in regards to the attack on then-presidential hopeful Emmanuel Macron’s election campaign.

Thousands of emails leaked, the contents of which the Gateway Pundit reported on, and in an interview Thursday with Guillaume Poupard, the head of the National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI), he said the hack was “so generic and simple that it could have been practically anyone”.

Poupard continued saying the basic nature of the attack “means that we can imagine that was a person who did this alone. They could be in any country”.


RT reports:

The leak of Macron campaign data contained 9 gigabytes of emails, images and attachments dating back several months. At the time, the French authorities called on the national media not to report the contents of the leak, saying that doing so would violate election rules to stop campaigning a day ahead of an election.

The candidate also barred RT and the Russian news agency Sputnik from his campaign HQ, accusing them of spreading false information about him. His team failed to provide any examples of such misreporting.

Commenting on the French defense chief’s statement about alleged “hacking” of the French presidential election, RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan said that the agency would similarly find no evidence if it looked into the claims that RT and Sputnik news agency disseminated false information about Macron to influence the vote.

“No traces of Russian hackers have been found in France. Which was to be proven. You [The French government] won’t find anything on Sputnik and RT as well, as nothing can be found. It’s in your mind,” she told Sputnik on Thursday.

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