Friday 9 June 2017

HANNITY GOES OFF: ‘James Comey is Nothing More Than a Partisan, Political Hack’ (VIDEO)

HANNITY GOES OFF: ‘James Comey is Nothing More Than a Partisan, Political Hack’ (VIDEO)

Fox News’ Sean Hannity unleashed on fired FBI Director, James Comey Thursday night in his monologue. Hannity gave his opinion on Comey’s hearing and what he thought overall of Comey’s job during his time as FBI Director.

Sean Hannity said, ‘Comey failed you, the American people at every turn.’ He then called Comey ‘nothing more than a partisan and a political hack.’ Harsh but true!

Via Fox News:

Hannity pointed out that several times during his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, Comey confirmed that Trump did not ask him to stop the FBI’s investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Comey also said multiple times during the hearing that Trump himself was not under investigation.

“Why did he only say this today? Why couldn’t the FBI director have come out sooner?” Hannity asked.

He added that Comey also admitted to leaking a memo detailing a meeting with Trump to a friend, who then leaked it to The New York Times.

“Whatever so-called champion of law and justice would ever do that to the president of the United States?” Hannity said.

He pointed out that Comey also admitted he caved in to a request from former Attorney General Loretta Lynch to refer to the Hillary Clinton email probe as a “matter,” not an investigation.

“He failed you, the American people, at every single turn,” Hannity said, explaining that Comey created a “two-tier justice system,” where the law is applied differently to Clinton as it would be to any other American citizen.

“He started to play politics instead of doing his job,” Hannity said. “Sadly, James Comey is nothing more than a partisan and a political hack.”

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