Saturday 10 June 2017

London Islamist Killer Lived Off of Taxpayer Dime

London Islamist Killer Lived Off of Taxpayer Dime

Khuram Butt, Rachid Redouane and a third Islamic terrorist plowed over people in a rented van before entering Borough Market and stabbing multiple victims in London on Saturday, June 3rd.

The terrorists casually walked into Borough Market and began stabbing innocent pedestrians to death.

Now this…
Ringleader Khuram Butt was living off the taxpayer dime.

British Islamist leader Anjem Choudary told his followers in February 2013 to use their welfare checks to fund the jihad.

The Daily Mail reported:

The ringleader of the London terror attack was bankrolled by the taxpayer, it has been revealed.

Khuram Butt, 27, was claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance of around £300 a month, and was also paid housing benefit for his council-owned flat in Barking as well as child benefit.

Father-of-two Butt was a supporter of al-Muhajiroun and an associate of its leader Anjem Choudary, who encouraged his followers to exploit Britain’s welfare system.

The jailed hate preacher even used the phrase ‘Jihad Seeker’s Allowance’.

Butt, who wore an Arsenal shirt on the night of the attack, started claiming benefits after being sacked from his job on the London Underground last October.

He worked there as a trainee customer services assistant for nearly six months but was fired for poor timekeeping.

He also received Jobseeker’s Allowance for over a year after leaving a job at KFC and prior to working for Transport for London, the Daily Telegraph reported.

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