Friday 9 June 2017

Police: Terrorism Possible in Wash, DC Incident as Weapon Recovered From Pick-up Truck That Mowed Down Two Cops, Govt Worker; Two Suspects Arrested

Police: Terrorism Possible in Wash, DC Incident as Weapon Recovered From Pick-up Truck That Mowed Down Two Cops, Govt Worker; Two Suspects Arrested

Terrorism cannot be ruled out in an incident in the Adams Morgan nightclub area of Northwest Washington, D.C. on Thursday night that saw a pick-up truck driven into two D.C. police officers on bicycles and a D.C. government transit employee before crashing into a parked truck, according to Police Chief Peter Newsham. A weapon was recovered from the pick-up according to Newsham.

An agent with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force was photographed at the scene with other investigators.

The incident took place near the main intersection of Adams Morgan, 18th Street and Columbia Road, NW.

Video posted by a witness shows the stunning distance that a female bicycle officer was thrown when hit by the pick-up truck.

Photos and video of the crash scene posted to Twitter by the Huffington Post’s Ryan J. Reilly.

More photos by ABC7’s Tim Barber

Newsham and Mayor Muriel Bowser addressed the press outside Washington Hospital Center where the three wounded are being treated. One officer is in “very critical condition”, while the other officer and the civilian government employee have “serious” injuries but not life threatening, according to Newsham.

In response to a question on whether an AK-47 was recovered at a second scene and if terrorism can be ruled out, Newsham said there was no second scene but that a weapon had been recovered from the suspects’ vehicle.

Newsham said with regard to the possibility of terrorism, “we have to look at that very closely we do not have a motive at this time.” Newsham could not say of the officers were targeted, saying, “we don’t know, we don’t have a motive.”

Newsham did not describe the weapon seized, nor did he describe the suspects beyond saying they have non-life threatening injuries.

Periscope video of the press conference posted by DCW50 reporter Cam Thompson.

Video of one of the suspects being loaded into an ambulance.

An eyewitness account:

Photo of the crash scene shows the demolished police bicycles by Washington Post reporter Paul Schwartzman

FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force on the scene.

Unverified photos that may be of one of the suspects in custody.

Again, photos are unverified, but appear to be from the scene.

An indication of how fast the pick-up truck was going came from D.C. Fire PIO Vito Maggiolo, via Washington Post reporter Tracy Jan, “”He hit that garbage truck hard enough to drive it up on the sidewalk,” said Vito Maggiolo, DC Fire spox. #adamsmorgan”

The intersection where the incident took place is busy well into the evening with bus, vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Adams Morgan is located a few miles north of the White House.

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