Friday 9 June 2017

Report: CNN Drops Reza Aslan Following Profane Anti-Trump Comments

Report: CNN Drops Reza Aslan Following Profane Anti-Trump Comments

CNN has decided to not renew Reza Aslan’s show ‘Believer’ days after after several profane anti-Trump tweets by Aslan were found on his Twitter account, reported Variety.

Reza Aslan.

“CNN has decided to not move forward with production on the acquired series ‘Believer with Reza Aslan,’” the network said in a statement. “We wish Reza and his production team all the best. “

Aslan is an Iranian refugee who came to America with his family during the Iranian revolution of the late 1970s. Aslan later became a U.S. citizen and is a religious scholar by profession and education.

The tweet that led to Aslan’s downfall called President Trump a “piece of shit”.

Aslan posted an insincere apology that said profanity was out of character for him.

But as Twitchy reported, numerous tweets posted by Aslan used profanity to attack Trump and others. In one tweet Aslan wished for a Republican congressman to be raped.

Aslan was called out by one of his targets, Donald Trump, Jr., of whom he wrote, “Like piece of shit father, like piece of shit son.”

Screen images of now deleted tweets via Newsbusters.

Media Research Center Brent Bozell had demanded CNN cut ties with Aslan. Score another one for the good guys.

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