Thursday 8 June 2017

REPORT: NYC Liberals OBSESS Over Getting Rid of White-Majority Schools

REPORT: NYC Liberals OBSESS Over Getting Rid of White-Majority Schools

The left will never stop, NYC activists are up in arms about a Department of Education plan to fix alleged socioeconomic and racial “segregation”.

The plan claims that blacks and Hispanics make up 70% of overall students in NYC and that for a school to be “racially representative” it must have somewhere between 50 and 90% black and Hispanic students.

NYC council members Brad Lander and Ritchie Torres call it a “serious start to a decades-overdue effort” but were upset that the plan did not use the words “integration” and “segregation”, they opined:

“We are sorry to see that the plan does not use the words ‘segregation’ and ‘integration’, but instead sticks to the more anodyne ‘diversity’ . . . We will not break the cycle of segregation if we cannot even name it.”

The Daily Caller reports:

Jill Bloomberg, the principal of Park Slope Collegiate School, also called out the Department of Education for not using the word “segregation.”

“Integration is a policy specifically designed to fight racist inequity,” said Bloomberg. “The goal should not be to add diversity as another benefit for a select group of students. Our goal should be to create schools so there is no school in the system that parents wouldn’t want to send their kids to.”

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