Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Oh My #Covfefe! Late Night Trump Twitter Typo Sets Off Frenzy of Over Half Million Tweets in Two Hours

Oh My #Covfefe! Late Night Trump Twitter Typo Sets Off Frenzy of Over Half Million Tweets in Two Hours

President Donald Trump ruled Twitter in the overnight hours from late Tuesday night (depending on your time zone)into Wednesday morning with an uncorrected Twitter typo that sent Trump obsessed media and politicos into a Twitter frenzy. Trump’s unfinished tweet, posted at 12:06 a.m. EDT on Wednesday, read, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe”. In just two hours over 500,000 tweets were generated using the Trumpian non-word “covfefe”, with #covfefe topping Twitter’s trending sidebar. Trump did not post a follow-up, leaving the Twitterati to stay up late reveling in “covfefe”.

Twitter Data Editor Elaine Filadelfo posted a graph showing how the keyword “covfefe” took off from zero mentions just after midnight EDT and took off like the Reagan recovery to thousands of mentions per minute, peaking at 2 a.m. when the chart cut off.

Filadelfo reported that over 500,000 tweets with “covfefe” were posted in two hours, “Over half a million #covfefe tweets in 2 hours. At 2am. Go to bed, your work here is done. (Is mine?)”

Filadelpfo confirmed this was the first time “covfef” had ever appeared on Twitter.

As of 5 a.m. EDT Trump’s tweet was still getting thousands of reactions every fifteen minutes and had been retweeted over 118,000 times, favorited over 150,000 times and had received over 39,000 replies in the five hours since “covfefe” was tweeted.

In contrast Trump’s tweet on Monday morning about the Portland murders of two men defending a Muslim woman has been retweeted over 12,000 times, favorited over 51,000 times and received over 12,000 replies in about 42 hours.

Trolls of course were in their glory over “covfefe”. Below is a sample:

In addition to the mocking, faux concern for the president’s health were concerns about how long the tweet stayed up.

Trump obsessives started creating “Covfefe” graphic images and selling t-shirts.

While the media and politicos were going on and on about “covfefe”, a truck bomb exploded in Kabul at the same time, killing over 80 and wounding well over 300, and Russia fired several sea launched cruise missiles targeting ISIS in Syria.

But, Trump tweeted “covfefe”!

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