Thursday 6 July 2017

New Mandatory Army Training Tells Female Soldiers They Must ‘Accept’ Naked Men in Their Showers

New Mandatory Army Training Tells Female Soldiers They Must ‘Accept’ Naked Men in Their Showers

New Army training is telling female soldiers that they just have to accept showering naked next to men. The soldier may have ‘physical characteristics of the opposite sex despite having the same gender marker’. Makes sense.

Why is this happening under a Trump presidency? The American people voted to stop this insanity!

The Federalist reported:

Late into President Obama’s last term, his military officials allowed transgender soldiers to serve openly, even funding gender-change surgeries with taxpayer dollars. Former Defense Secretary Ash Carter set a July 1 deadline for all four military branches to write policies for accepting openly transgender enlistments. Formerly, soldiers exhibiting gender dysphoria were automatically discharged.

The force-wide presentation sheds quite a bit of light on the implications of the rule change on transgender service members. The policy prioritizes subjective feelings over combat-readiness and inverts military order by placing the needs of individuals over the well-being of their units.

The policy allows transgender soldiers to switch their “gender marker” in the Army’s personnel database without undergoing sex reassignment surgery or any other physical changes.

For a soldier to officially change gender requires only some paperwork. A military doctor or civilian medical professional must certify that the transgender person has achieved “stability in the preferred gender” and the soldier must change the gender designation on the soldier’s passport or birth certificate. From that point on, the transgender soldier is “expected to adhere to all military standards associated with their gender,” and “use the billeting, bathroom and shower facilities” of their new gender.

Below is a screenshot of the slide. Notice number 4 states, “Understand that you may encounter individuals in barracks, bathrooms, or shower facilities with physical characteristics of the opposite sex despite having the same gender marker in DEERS.

Read the full report by The Federalist here.

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