Sunday 9 July 2017

U Maryland Students Triggered by a Piece of Trash that Vaguely Resembles Noose

U Maryland Students Triggered by a Piece of Trash that Vaguely Resembles Noose

University of Maryland students are up in arms over a piece of trash that looked vaguely like a noose. They are claiming it is a racially motivated, hateful symbol deployed to intimidate black students.

Police have discounted the possibility of a hateful gesture because it wasn’t hanging from a tree, but that has not stopped the students from being enraged.

Via the Daily Caller:

Angry students at the University of Maryland, College Park were in an uproar on Tuesday because someone claimed to discover a piece of plastic wrap vaguely coiled into the shape of a noose.

Two unidentified people found the tangled, frayed strip of plastic lying partially on a sidewalk near fraternity row, reports The Diamondback, the University of Maryland student newspaper.

The people who found the plastic wrap took it for a noose and hastily reported it to campus police “out of concern for possible hate-bias,” according to statement released by school administrators.

“Preliminary investigation reveals that this type of material is used to contain loose items during transport,” the report also said, according to Campus Reform.

“Out of an abundance of caution, we are looking into this matter and conducting a review of our cameras in the area.”

Apparently even trash can be racist. It is amazing how the left can spot a hate crime in just about anything these days. This incident is an example of how social justice fanatics will invent a problem where previously there was none to perpetually be a victim to promote their agenda.

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