Friday 7 July 2017

UH OH! New Holes in Loretta Lynch’s Story on Hillary’s Email Investigation Could Present Major Legal Problems

UH OH! New Holes in Loretta Lynch’s Story on Hillary’s Email Investigation Could Present Major Legal Problems

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is denying allegations she assured the Clinton camp that the FBI’s email probe would not go too far. This directly contradicts Comey’s claim that Lynch did interfere with the 2016 presidential election by assuring Hillary’s camp that the probe would be halted.

Fired FBI Director, James Comey had a SECOND meeting with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch where he confronted her about her election interference. During the conversation, Comey told lawmakers he confronted Lynch with a highly sensitive piece of evidence, a communication between two political figures that suggested Lynch had agreed to put the kibosh on any prosecution of Clinton, Circa News reported.

Fox News reports:

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is denying allegations she assured the Clinton campaign that the FBI’s email server investigation would not go too far.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is investigating a document which alleges Lynch contacted Amanda Renteria, a Clinton campaign operative.

“To the best of her knowledge and recollection, neither Ms. Lynch nor any representative of the Office of the Attorney General discussed the Clinton email investigation with Ms. Renteria, Representative Wasserman Schultz or her staff, or any DNC official,” Lynch’s spokesman countered.

In testimony before a House committee last year, Lynch stated she had not spoken to any members of the campaign or anyone affiliated with the campaign during the investigation.

Lynch is expected to be called before the Senate panel to testify on the matter.

Paul Sperry of the New York Post reports:

The committee also wants to know if Lynch or any of her aides were in contact with former DNC chief Debbie Wasserman Schultz regarding the Clinton email investigation, according to a three-page list of questions that Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein recently sent to Lynch at her New York apartment.

Senate investigators have combed through a transcript of Lynch’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee in July 2016. In retrospect, several of her statements strain credulity. But one in particular stands out, and could present legal problems for Lynch.

The committee, however, now knows of a document obtained by the FBI reportedly showing a Democratic operative’s claim that Lynch had privately assured Renteria that the Justice Department “would not push too deeply” into the investigation of Clinton’s private email server, which contained top secret information from the State Department.

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