SHOCK: Imran Awan Has ‘Secretly Active House Email Account’ Tied To Intelligence Staffer

Despite being suspected of allegedly stealing computer equipment and sensitive information from Congress, Democrat Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s ex-IT staffer Imran Awan still has access to an active House email account. To make matters worse, the email address is tied to an intelligence staffer.
Daily Caller reports:
Imran Awan’s still-active email address is linked to the name of a House staffer who specializes in intelligence and homeland security matters for Indiana Democratic Rep. André Carson. Court documents and emails obtained by TheDCNF show Awan used the address [email protected] in addition to his standard [email protected] account.
He and two of his Pakistani-born brothers, as well as his wife, are at the center of an FBI investigation over their IT work with dozens of Democratic congressional offices. Authorities shut down Awan’s standard email account Feb. 2, and he was arrested by the FBI at Dulles International Airport trying to board a flight to his native Pakistan on July 25.
Authorities apparently did not realize Awan has a second account that is not linked to his identity. While his main email address began rejecting mail after it was shut down, the 123 address was still accepting mail Tuesday.
Mail sent via Gmail fills in the name of the account-holder of 123 as Nathan Bennett, whose LinkedIn profile says his individual legislative portfolio covers “national security and foreign affairs” and includes work on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
The member Bennett works for, Carson, is a member of both the House Intelligence and House Homeland Security Committees, and previously employed Awan.
The Awan brothers case may be one of the Democrats most damning scandals in a generation. Don’t look to the mainstream media to tell you that, as they’re chiefly occupied by smearing half the United States as raging Nazis and Russian bots. Meanwhile, Jordan Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice, says the Awan brothers case may grow even more damning.
CBN reports:
Sekulow also talked about the recent arrest and indictment of Pakistani computer whiz, Imran Awad. He worked for Democrats on the House Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committees and was accused of stealing computer hardware and sensitive—perhaps even classified information from ranking members including his employer, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) Florida.
Awad was arrested as he attempted to leave the country and was charged with bank fraud.
Sekulow says the indictment against Awad may be only the beginning of a broader investigation with more to come in the days ahead.
Democrat Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is catching heat for blaming the Awan investigation on ‘Islamophobia.’ Andre Taggart, a black Marine, reported key evidence to U.S. Capitol Police concerning the case and is angry the Florida Congresswoman blamed the motive of the investigation on racism.
Daily Caller reports:
The same day Taggart tipped the FBI, two of Imran Awan’s relatives went on the record to say they think he would do anything for money.
Taggart told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group Wednesday that “it was amazing” that Wasserman Schultz, a Florida Democrat, describes Imran as a victim of religious discrimination by law enforcement. Taggart rented the Northern Virginia home of Awan, who had frantically moved out after learning authorities were onto him.
“It pisses me off,” said Taggart, a black Marine who says he votes Democrat. He believes Wasserman Schultz is crying wolf and devaluing the meaning of genuine discrimination, while also exposing herself and the nation to risks.
Wasserman Schultz claimed Imran Awan is being “persecuted” by the Capitol Police and FBI after she was told that he is suspected of “data transfer violations,” even as she lamented the seriousness of the hacking of the Democratic National Committee. Wasserman Schultz was chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee when its IT network was hacked in 2016.
“I just want to get these [guys] locked up and exposed and now,” Taggart told TheDCNF. “The people who facilitated them should also be locked up, as far as I’m concerned.”
Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Pakistani IT staffer, Imran Awan was spotted out in Virginia for the first time since he tried to flee to Pakistan with $10,000 in cash.
Imran Awan is being investigated for bank fraud and is facing four federal charges.
Exclusive photo obtained by the Daily Mail:
The Daily Mail also reported that one of Imran Awan’s relatives threw the Awan brothers under the bus and exposed them for their criminal behavior.
Now they are at the center of a probe into what happened to the data they had access to – and one of their relatives told ‘For the sake ofmoney they would have done anything.
‘There are possibilities that [Imran] or them might have been selling this information to anybody who is not authorized to have them.’
‘They are not being picked up because they are Muslims. They are being picked up because they did something wrong,’ said Syed Ahmed, who is related to them through their stepmother.
She accused her stepsons of domestic abuse earlier this year.
‘There are possibilities that [Imran] or them might have been selling this information to anybody who is not authorized to have them. For the sake of money they would have done anything,’ he added.
‘They were not living an honest life. They were living like they were gangsters.’
Taggart corroborates claims the Awams would do anything for money.
Daily Caller reports:
“They took advantage of us,” Taggart said, describing a series of financially aggressive and dishonest interactions he said he had with Imran.
Taggart said he believes the Awans would “do anything for money,” the same term others, including relatives, have used in describing the couple.
Wasserman Schultz has rejected concerns about Imran as “absurd” and “laughable,” even though he had access to all of her congressional emails and files, as well as her iPad password, is suspected by police of cybersecurity violations, and had long been accused of defrauding people for financial gain.
Paul Sperry of the New York Post previously reported that Awan may have sold sensitive information to hostile governments such as Pakistan or Russia:
Federal authorities are investigating whether sensitive data was stolen from congressional offices by several Pakistani-American tech staffers and sold to Pakistani or Russian intelligence, knowledgeable sources say.
What started out 16 months ago as a scandal involving the alleged theft of computer equipment from Congress has turned into a national security investigation involving FBI surveillance of the suspects.
Investigators now suspect that sensitive US government data — possibly including classified information — could have been compromised and may have been sold to hostile foreign governments that could use it to blackmail members of Congress or even put their lives at risk.
“This is a massive, massive scandal,” a senior US official familiar with the widening probe told The Post.
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