With an all back display photo and tweets that last a day or two, the Twitter feed of Conservative media legend Matt Drudge is almost as mysterious as the man himself. Akin to how Drudge operates the Drudge Report, the news aggregator doesn’t follow anyone on Twitter. On August 11th, the Left-leaning Nation, published a piece titled “The mystery and intrigue of Matt Drudge’s Twitter feed,” in which reporter Jeva Lange provided commentary on past Drudge tweets, while recounting the news site operator’s unforgettable interview with Infowars’ Alex Jones. Drudge’s latest move on Twitter may suggest he’s penning a second book.
The Nation reported:
Famously reclusive, Drudge is hardly a hermit, and his physical isolation does not leave him out of touch with culture, as one might expect. His Twitter account shows, for example, that he is an active consumer of pop culture, although a bit of a curmudgeonly one, praising Lana Del Rey for being a surprise “stunner” while at the next moment mocking Beyoncé’s famous scene in her visual-album Lemonade:
Drudge also posts quotes from people like the controversial columnist Walter Winchell and entertainment magnate David Geffen, leaving followers to wonder what provoked them. He also offers up his own aphorisms at times:
But something interesting – in fact – very interesting appeared on Drudge’s Twitter feed recently. He made his first ever follow. It could have been his close friend Ann Coulter or his fellow Infowarrior Alex Jones. Or maybe even Rachel Maddow whose ratings have earned her numerous links on the Drudge Report since Donald Trump became President. But no — instead Drudge followed a company you probably never heard of: Conservative book company Regnery Publishing.
Matt Drudge’s first ever follow is a conservative publisher. Is a second book in the works? pic.twitter.com/qI4DUzfctZ
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) August 25, 2017
Per Regnery Publishing‘s About Us page:
Welcome to Regnery Publishing, the country’s leading publisher of conservative books. Since Henry Regnery founded the company back in 1947, we’ve focused on publishing books that challenge the status quo, books that spark a debate, and books that get people talking about the issues and questions we face as a country.
From the very start, Regnery has been a major force within the conservative movement, publishing such authors as Russell Kirk (The Conservative Mind), William F. Buckley Jr. (God and Man at Yale), Whittaker Chambers (Witness), and many other giants of American conservatism. Regnery has also led the modern resurgence of conservative publishing over the past couple decades. Our list of authors reads like a “who’s who” of conservative thought and action, including Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, Dinesh D’Souza, Newt Gingrich, Mark Steyn, Mark Levin, Ed Klein, David Horowitz, Laura Ingraham, Donald Trump, and many more. Regnery has boasted one of the best batting averages in the publishing business–placing more than fifty books on the New York Times bestseller list, including numerous books at #1.
Below is a screen shot of a list with four people that this author follows (which includes Matt Drudge) that are following Regnery Publishing.
Drudge’s recent and only follow begs the question: is Matt Drudge writing a second book? Could Drudge have merely been perusing the publisher’s Twitter feed, scoping out fresh reads, and accidentally hit the follow button? Perhaps. It’s also possible Drudge is foreshadowing his next move with a follow up to his first book.
In the year 2000, Drudge published the New York Times best seller Drudge Manifesto.
Unfamiliar with Drudge’s book the Drudge Manifesto? Amazon has a detailed description of the book:
Working from a small apartment in Hollywood, Matt Drudge became one of the country’s most notorious journalists when he reported that Newsweek had spiked a story about a sexual relationship between President Clinton and a certain White House intern. Of course, there are many (mostly professional reporters) who argue that Drudge should not be labeled a journalist at all, and it is upon this issue that the Drudge Manifesto is based. As Drudge notes, he has “no budget, no bosses, no deadline,” and as a result of this independence he is both feared and reviled, admired and respected. Ostracized by the establishment he may be, but his popular appeal is undeniable: the Drudge Report Web site received over 240 million hits in 1999, and the numbers are rising. Members of the White House staff check in daily, as do many of the media elite who viciously denounce Drudge in public. Like it or not, he has become a force in Internet journalism.
Drudge collaborated with Julia “You’ll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again” Phillips to produce a writing style that reads like a breathless and often disjointed e-mail. But the book is a vehicle for ideas, not sparkling prose, and its value lies in Drudge’s assessment of the current state of the media as well as his take on its future. One of the most interesting (and certainly the clearest) parts is a transcript of a Q&A session conducted at the National Press Club on June 2, 1998, which lays out Drudge’s manifesto better than the book itself. The NPC is hostile territory for Drudge, and, unsurprisingly, he is grilled by moderator Doug Harbrecht. In the end, Drudge makes a strong and thoughtful case for his methods and his right to be a reporter. And he gets in plenty of zingers of his own: “You know, these questions are pretty tough, and I think if you directed this type of tough questioning to the White House, there’d be no need for someone like me, quite frankly.”
This is also a chance for Drudge to sound off. He boasts of beating CNN (by eight minutes) to the announcement of Princess Diana’s death; of being the first to report Bob Dole’s selection of Jack Kemp as his running mate; of his scoop of the Microsoft-NBC merger. He replays the events surrounding his decision to release the Lewinsky information on January 17, 1998 (the book is dedicated to Linda R. Tripp), and volunteers his favorite Web sites and sources. His book is not only a manifesto but a manual for anyone interested in following his lead. “With a modem, a phone jack, and an inexpensive computer, your newsroom can be your living room, your bedroom… your bathroom, if you’re so inclined,” he writes. In today’s media climate, that’s the way it is.
Here are a few book reviews from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Camille Paglia:
“Matt Drudge is journalism’s bad boy, Clinton’s worst nightmare, the guy who scoops the big-time media.” — Playboy magazine
“Matt Drudge is the kind of bold, entrepreneurial, free-wheeling, information-oriented outsider we need.” — Camille Paglia
“Matt Drudge is the man who is to the Internet, what I am to broadcasting.” — Rush Limbaugh
“Matt Drudge is the most controversial reporter in America since Woodward and Bernstein.” — Brill’s Content
While the book is a tough find in store, one can purchase it online at Amazon and eBay.
source https://capitalisthq.com/twitter-intrigue-is-matt-drudge-writing-another-book/
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