Saturday, 24 June 2017

Oregon House Passes “Sanctuary State” Bill

Oregon House Passes “Sanctuary State” Bill

Oregon House Majority leader Jennifer Williamson with Speaker Tina Kotek

As reported earlier in the week, the Oregon legislature is moving full-speed-ahead with an illegal alien protection bill that would make Oregon a “sanetuary state”. The local media, of course, lauds the bill with puff piece headlines of “Oregon lawmakers aim to boost protection of immigrants” and “Oregon House votes to expand privacy for undocumented immigrants.”

The bill, HB 3464, passed the House by a vote of 35-23, down party lines, with 2 Republicans excused for the day.

Oregonian For Immigration Reform head Cynthia Kendoll penned an op-ed in the Statesman Journal:

Today, the House of Representatives’ Democratic majority goes even further.  Gov. Kate Brown and Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum and 28 House Democrats have introduced House Bill 3464, to prohibit, “except as required by state or federal law,” Oregon’s “public bodies” — its various governments, its schools, and its law-enforcement agencies — from sharing with federal immigration authorities illegal immigrants’ addresses, contact information, workplaces, schools of attendance, and scheduled court appearances if such information was intended to be used “for the . . . enforcement of federal immigration laws.”

HB 3464 is harmful for several reasons: undermining the rule of law generally, and U.S. immigration law specifically, and by shielding criminal aliens from detection.

Meanwhile, Causa commented on their facebook page:

Great news! Today HB 3464 passed Oregon’s House, now on to the Senate! If passed, HB 3464 would protect the privacy of immigrant families by limiting the collection and sharing of information for the purpose of immigration enforcement. Thanks to Representatives Teresa Alonso and Diego Hernandez for leading the effort.

State Rep. Gret Barreto had this to say on

HB 3464 came about based on the Governor and other Democrat leaders’ desire to oppose federal immigration laws. As President Trump seeks to regain control over lax immigration policy, Oregon leaders have used it as an opportunity to bolster the liberal agenda by using appeals to emotion and fear about deportation in Oregon, effectively creating an environment where being in favor of immigration reform and enforcement is equated to bigotry and racial prejudice.

The mistruth of that narrative is sort of insignificant in the climate we live in here in Oregon. Daily we see emotionally driven narratives fly out of Democrat offices and they are spread as truth, and any argument against is considered uninformed or hateful. Unfortunately, these so called “truths” are often very effective calls to action.

You can watch the House committee public hearing here, and you can watch the floor vote and 50 minute debate here.

Contact information for all of the YES votes are as follows:

Representative Teresa Alonso Leon

503-986-1422 [email protected]

Representative Jeff Barker

503-986-1428 [email protected]

Representative Phil Barnhart

503-986-1411 [email protected]

Representative Deborah Boone

503-986-1432 [email protected]

Representative Janelle Bynum

503-986-1451 [email protected]

Representative Brian Clem

503-986-1421 [email protected]

Representative Margaret Doherty

503-986-1435 [email protected]

Representative Paul Evans

503-986-1420 [email protected]

Representative Julie Fahey

503-986-1414 [email protected]

Representative David Gomberg

503-986-1410 [email protected]

Representative Chris Gorsek

503-986-1449 [email protected]

Representative Mitch Greenlick

503-986-1433 [email protected]

Representative Ken Helm

503-986-1434 [email protected]

Representative Diego Hernandez

503-986-1447 [email protected]

Representative Paul Holvey

503-986-1408 [email protected]

Representative Alissa Keny-Guyer

503-986-1446 [email protected]

Representative Tina Kotek

503-986-1200 [email protected]

Representative Ann Lininger

503-986-1438 [email protected]

Representative John Lively

503-986-1412 [email protected]

Representative Sheri Malstrom

503-986-1427 [email protected]

Representative Pam Marsh

503-986-1405 [email protected]

Representative Caddy McKeown

503-986-1409 [email protected]

Representative Susan McLain

503-986-1429 [email protected]

Representative Mark W. Meek

503-986-1440 [email protected]

Representative Nancy Nathanson

503-986-1413 [email protected]

Representative Rob Nosse

503-986-1442 [email protected]

Representative Carla Piluso

503-986-1450 [email protected]

Representative Karin A. Power

503-986-1441 [email protected]

Representative Dan Rayfield

503-986-1416 [email protected]

Representative Jeff Reardon

503-986-1448 [email protected]

Representative Tawna D. Sanchez

503-986-1443 [email protected]

Representative Barbara Smith Warner

503-986-1445 [email protected]

Representative Janeen A. Sollman

503-986-1430 [email protected]

Representative Jennifer Williamson

503-986-1436 [email protected]

Representative Brad Witt

503-986-1431 [email protected]
The bill now sits in the senate rules committee.

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