Thursday, 22 June 2017

Trump Attorney to Hannity: “If There Was an Investigation That’s Going on Right Now, the Investigation Should be James Comey” (VIDEO)

Trump Attorney to Hannity: “If There Was an Investigation That’s Going on Right Now, the Investigation Should be James Comey” (VIDEO)

An attorney for President Trump, Jay Sekulow told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Wednesday evening, “If there was an investigation that’s going on right now, the investigation should be James Comey.” 

Sekulow: “What’s the one piece of evidence that we know in this entire case? What’s the one thing we know for sure? James Comey leaked information that he got on a meeting with the President of the United States. I want that to be very clear. A meeting with the President of the United States.

He’s taking notes. He puts the notes in after he gets into his car and writes these notes down. He takes those notes and puts them into his government car, into his government computer, into his government desk. He then leaked from his government desk to his friend at the Columbia University Law School–illegal. Violation of the law, clearly.

If there was an investigation that’s going on right now, the investigation should be James Comey. I’m hopeful that it is…”

Jay Sekulow also recently said that the president is not under investigation, contrary to POTUS Trump’s tweets earlier this week referring to it as a “witch hunt.”


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