Wednesday 7 June 2017

REPORT: Saudi Arabia Gives 24-Hour Ultimatum to Qatar, Experts Warn Military Conflict Looms

REPORT: Saudi Arabia Gives 24-Hour Ultimatum to Qatar, Experts Warn Military Conflict Looms

Following the imposition of a naval blockade, Saudi Arabia is giving Qatar a 24-hour ultimatum, starting this evening, to comply with 10 conditions.

Among the key demands made by Saudi Arabia is the insistence that Qatar sever ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as Hamas.

Little information is out yet about the ultimatum and SkyNews Arabia first tweeted out the existence of the 24-hour ultimatum.

ZeroHedge reports:

Speaking to Al Jazeera, analyst Giorgio Cafiero of Gulf State Analytics, a geopolitical risk consultancy based in Washington, DC, said: “I think the Kuwaitis as well as Omanis … fear the prospects of these tensions escalating in ways which could undermine the interest of all six members of the GCC.

“There are many analysts who believe that a potential break-up of the GCC has to be considered right now.”

“If these countries fail to resolve their issues and such tensions reaches new heights, we have to be very open to the possibility of these six Arab countries no longer being able to unite under the banner of one council,” said Cafiero.

He added that if tension escalates, some have warned of a “military confrontation”.

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