Tuesday 6 June 2017

STOP THE PRESSES: U.S. Intelligence Says Russian Hackers Are to Blame For Qatar Crisis

STOP THE PRESSES: U.S. Intelligence Says Russian Hackers Are to Blame For Qatar Crisis


Content originally published at iBankCoin.com

You’ve got to be a complete imbecile to believe in this Russian fairytales. How pervasive and powerful are these Russian hackers after all? Are our cyber experts merely standing around with dildos in their mouths, as these powerful king makers plant FAKE NEWS across the world — causing rifts, election upsets, and wars?

CNN is now reporting that the siege of Qatar, implemented by Saudi Arabia, is the result of fake news stories planted by strong as shit Russian programmers, raping Qatar’s state run news agency, which caused Saudi Arabia to starve the people of Qatar to death.

Moreover, as per CNN fake news, the Russian hackers are believed to belong to Putin himself, as ‘nothing happens inside that country’ of 16,377,742km, without the expressed permission of the government.

During the CNN report, they mentioned how Russian hackers interfered in the recent French election, something that was rejected by French intelligence agencies and even Macron.

To date, intelligence agencies have yet to provide any proof of Russian hacking, even the fact that they exist, aside from their firm assurance that they’re out there causing chaos.

Just today, President Trump praised the actions of Saudi Arabia and affirmed that Qatar was funding terror.

Yet another victim of the malicious and insidious forces of Russian powered fake news.


source http://capitalisthq.com/stop-the-presses-u-s-intelligence-says-russian-hackers-are-to-blame-for-qatar-crisis/

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